Following what single rule of conduct can guarantee to make people's lives prosperous and flourishing? Perhaps, it lies in the universal and fair competition based on reasonable and humane principles, which will indeed be the triumph of humanism and a pledge of humanity's prosperity.
Despite historically established confrontational principles in world politics, human civilization must be humane and just, and the true path to this is wise foresight.
Considering that arrogance, hostility, and wars cannot be overcome, we demean and devalue the Human. However, a mature optimistic view, based on the strength and potential of human virtues, asserts the opposite: these historically persistent negative aspects can be overcome, and Humanity can become a spiritually developed being.
For determining the criteria for a right life, it is necessary to first correctly define ideals of humanity and basic universal values, from which any ethical concept should push off.
Humanism will significantly strengthen when every individual consciously acknowledges the complete well-being and flourishing of humanity as the utmost ideal.
Gazing a thousand years into the future, through the prism of the Universe, what do we see? Does humanity still exist? What's the state of life? What would we like to witness? So, which values are most important today?