Truly, the flight of human thought is high, and the inquisitive mind wishes to know everything about the mysteries of space and time already today. And thanks to our curiosity, a great deal of substantiated knowledge has been accumulated, convincingly explaining the most important and relevant mysteries of existence. Of course, it is important to continue persistence in understanding, but to find all the remaining answers, humanity will need to become at least a galactic civilization. And to achieve this, without losing balance, we need to make worthy use of the available answers to make life more meaningful, joyful, exciting, and future-oriented.
For those who wish to ponder the aimlessness of evolution and the probability of the extinction of all living things, modern popular science provides the opportunity to study the events of mass extinctions in the history of life on Earth and the deadly natural and cosmic phenomena.
Fundamental characteristics of a holistic philosophical worldview — scientific facts, philosophical rational conclusions, curiosity, constructive emotions, and orientation towards self-realization for the sake of universal well-being.
The modern education system should also accustom one to curiosity, instill a culture of continuous learning, and impart the skill of creatively utilizing acquired knowledge.