A profound sense of the remarkability and wonderfulness of life, feeling true pleasure from its magnificence — that's boundless joy. And even more exhilarating is the awareness that this splendor is experienced by others as well.
Having felt and acknowledged that life is beautiful, and questions about its origin are secondary, there is only one conclusion — you have found the answers to the main questions of existence. From there on, multiply the good and enjoy life.
The choice of the modern individual is a conscious, free decision to joyfully participate in the betterment of life, for its beauty, and so that humankind becomes great and incredible.
The origins of love for life? The realization of the significance of all that has been created by the human race, acceptance of the remarkability of virtues and positive emotional processes, affirmation of the amazingness of the surrounding natural world, and faith in the capacity of humans to achieve the incredible and the great.
Undoubtedly, there is meaning in the existence and a reliable future of human life, for it is remarkable and valuable. Therefore, it does not matter at all whether it is in its roots a product of chaos or design.
I was brought into this world without being asked, and that was probably for the best. That's ironic, of course. The world is insanely beautiful. The first step to making it even more beautiful is to be grateful for one's existence.
Before us, we have a beautiful life that we live, and a very exciting occupation that not only brings happiness but also gives meaning to our life: more active participation in the creation of a common future, in the depths of which we also exist, where our further life unfolds.