Development of worldview and higher feelings is where modern personality development methods should accentuate attention. Precisely, these are the basis for forming spiritual needs and inexhaustible motivation for a meaningful and productive life.
Spiritual pleasure — a powerful positive emotion experienced through good deeds, a qualitative shift in personal growth, the comprehension of important worldview knowledge, the perception of human dignity, the perception of ideals of beauty, and other similar moments. Frequent experiences of this can foster kindness and a love for life.
Love — the fundamental basis of a fulfilling life. It is a feeling of deep sympathy, aspiration and affection. Nascent and developing through personal growth and awareness of important values, it is expressed through responsibility, respect, kindness, and creativity, the fruits of which bring happiness and multiply the love.
Admiration for the beauty of nature is another way to develop a love for life, when experienced regularly, it significantly improves one's attitude towards life and people in general.