Self-control – is one's ability to manage thoughts based on appropriate knowledge and a sense of responsibility, which allows one to control emotions, actions, and behaviors reliably.
Love for life as a source of broad responsibility, motivation for creation, and passion for a fulfilling life sustainably directs a person towards holistic self-development, the cognition of the new, and increased productivity.
A reliable foundation for self-control, which fosters professionalism and goal attainment, lies in developing your philosophy and willingly taking responsibility for genuine self-realization for the greater good.
Foundation of a person's inexhaustible mental strength is rooted in the inseparable unity of diverse deep knowledge, rationality, love of life, high aspirations and goals, determination, emotional intelligence, willpower, and resilience.
Often, due to an inability to control their vulnerabilities, thoughts, and emotions, a person cannot become who they dreamt of. Therefore, the primary barrier on one's path to the heights — is themselves.