In every individual, there lies the potential to foster humanity and kindness. Hostility and selfish conflicts serve as indicators of our world's spiritual weakness, rather than a fundamental desire of people themselves. Thus, it is the paramount moral duty of each individual to actively participate in the progression of Humanity towards a more dignified level.
The individual's most crucial ability is to consciously assume responsibility for their thorough self-realization in front of their own conscience, and persistently aspire towards it.
The search and path of societal development involve formulating an effective model of social order, primarily in accordance with human nature, and directing all resources toward its realization.
The property of the first cell of life determined the orientation of biological life towards self-preservation. Perhaps in it lies the primary root of basic negative human qualities, anti-human relations, and conflicts in the world of people. Yes, primarily thanks to this property, people overcame the initial barriers to development and reached a civilized level, and further, to our happiness, they more actively and consciously enriched their lives with moral-spiritual values. Nonetheless, modern humanity is still very spiritually weak, and without deep knowledge of the roots of negative moral qualities and manifestations of everything anti-human, we will not be able to overcome them. And only by overcoming them will we be able to preserve the human race.