Eternal values such as freedom, truth, goodness, and beauty are significant precisely because, taken together, they offer every individual the opportunity to live a fulfilling life. Thus, serving these values is a sacred endeavor.
The main duty of Homo Sapiens is the preservation and development of the most valuable product of its culture, its main and inalienable property – Humaneness.
If people value goodness and truth, art and beauty, joy and happiness, then they should know that a reliable distant future will contain them in immeasurably greater quantities. Therefore, it too is of the utmost value.
Homo sapiens will become a spiritual being when a stable predominance of the appropriate combined attributes is present within them: humanity, rationality, a love for the beautiful, and an orientation towards the distant future.
Not only is the wholesome happiness of the present epoch of humanity paramount, but also the well-being of the distant future. This emphasizes the duty of every generation towards ensuring a reliable future and for the sake of the Human, obligating them not to pose threats to upcoming generations.
Love — the fundamental basis of a fulfilling life. It is a feeling of deep sympathy, aspiration and affection. Nascent and developing through personal growth and awareness of important values, it is expressed through responsibility, respect, kindness, and creativity, the fruits of which bring happiness and multiply the love.