The enlighteners of the scientific worldview should not only focus on highlighting the achievements of the scientific world but also on justifying the detrimental effect of prejudices on the development of the individual and society.
The modern education system should also accustom one to curiosity, instill a culture of continuous learning, and impart the skill of creatively utilizing acquired knowledge.
The foundation of development — enlightenment. This has been said since ancient times, but the key is its rich content, entertaining quality, and simplicity.
Philosophy is intended to systematically and rationally answer questions such as "What is existence, what is life, human, society, truth, the meaning of life..." for the sake of the answer to the fundamental worldview question: "What are the criteria for a right life?"
Why can the question 'What are the criteria for a right life?' be considered the main question of philosophy? Because modern philosophy, recognizing naturalism and physicalism, in general possesses satisfactory answers to the other main eternal questions.