Society's deep realization of the exceptional importance of critical thinking and a rational life-creating worldview for nurturing a productive individual is one of the primary foundations of its development.
A reliable foundation for self-control, which fosters professionalism and goal attainment, lies in developing your philosophy and willingly taking responsibility for genuine self-realization for the greater good.
The conscious search for the meaning of life begins with answering the question, "Why live, considering that I am mortal and the being itself has no purpose or destination?" To live encourages also "biological instincts." But what if we overcome them? Fortunately, a rational person agrees that life holds many valuable, remarkable, and beautiful things: love, pleasure, joy, humanity, beauty, communication, adventure, and much more. And that life is worth working for and living honorably for the sake of loved ones, oneself, and all people.
The dominance of genuine spiritual values in humanity's worldview provides it with the real opportunity to find in them inexhaustible sources of eternal flourishing and happiness.