An individual's personality is molded and developed by one's internal and external worlds. Societal surroundings definitely plays a big role, yet the conscious direction of one's own thoughts and emotions plays much more greater significance.
Self-actualization leads to countless of achievements: humanity, creativity, the satisfaction of needs, caring for loved ones, giving meaning to life, fulfillment of duty, a decent life, pride, happiness, and as well as the opportunity to leave a good memory of yourself.
Spiritual pleasure — a powerful positive emotion experienced through good deeds, a qualitative shift in personal growth, the comprehension of important worldview knowledge, the perception of human dignity, the perception of ideals of beauty, and other similar moments. Frequent experiences of this can foster kindness and a love for life.
The upbringing of a personality begins with familiarizing the spiritual heritage of humanity, and the formation begins with its awareness of its responsibility to multiply it.
Development of worldview and higher feelings is where modern personality development methods should accentuate attention. Precisely, these are the basis for forming spiritual needs and inexhaustible motivation for a meaningful and productive life.