You caught an omnipotent golden fish that can grant any wish. I wish it would abolish death, making people immortal. After all, the universe is vast, there's enough space and blessings for everyone. I'm an optimist, and I am sure that people will solve other problems.
If humanity could conquer death, life would probably become more tempting and thrilling. There is a significant chance that in a prosperous distant future, this might be the case. However, for today and indeed for the age of mortals, the humble acceptance of mortality is important and sensible. Yet, it's even more crucial to rationally utilize the time allotted to us and to live fully in the present — for our loved ones and ourselves, for all that is valuable, and for the future immortal Humans.
How to cultivate a genuine sense of joy for the flourishing and happiness of others and, accordingly, a profound feeling of regret that there is not enough well-being in their lives?