The distant future is richer and weightier than the present, and this signifies only one thing: a fulfilling life now, but in the name of the Human of the future!
The primary spiritual need of humanity should be anchored in a secure distant future. Not only for the upcoming generations and the preservation of the human race with its values but also for the well-being of current generations. For it's this profound need that can deeply inspire people towards foresight, wisdom, and unity; attributes that can swiftly address today's challenges and establish a prosperous common home now.
The reliability of the distant future poses a challenge to the self-love of modern humanity: if it values goodness, knowledge, beauty, and happiness, then there will be much more of these in that future.
Gazing a thousand years into the future, through the prism of the Universe, what do we see? Does humanity still exist? What's the state of life? What would we like to witness? So, which values are most important today?
For future generations to fulfill the hopes of the modern generation, it's crucial for the modern generation itself to respect the aspirations of the past.
One of Jupiter's satellites is called Ganymede. If it were to fall onto Jupiter and disappear, what would be the loss for humanity? This is what world politics should sometimes ponder.
The meaningful life of humanity encompasses the integrity of its unity, enlightenment, well-being, and flourishing, all for the happiness of every individual and the assurance of a long-term future.