A reliable foundation for self-control, which fosters professionalism and goal attainment, lies in developing your philosophy and willingly taking responsibility for genuine self-realization for the greater good.
The individual's most crucial ability is to consciously assume responsibility for their thorough self-realization in front of their own conscience, and persistently aspire towards it.
For those who wish to ponder the aimlessness of evolution and the probability of the extinction of all living things, modern popular science provides the opportunity to study the events of mass extinctions in the history of life on Earth and the deadly natural and cosmic phenomena.
Whether consciously or instinctively, in fact, everyone wishes for a bright future: for their children, descendants, and future generations; for their own creativity, goodwill, and beauty; for the preservation of universal culture and life as a whole. Such a prospect presents a real opportunity to enhance the happiness of people and all that has been created. Therefore, the issue of a reliable common future, even long-term, is associated with the questions of happiness and the meaning of personal life, and it is something that one cannot and should not ignore.
The universe demonstrates striking mathematical elegance in wondrous equations, and the thought arises that even if there were no matter, these equations would still exist, as the ideal being, which means they have a purpose: the universe, with their help creates intelligent worlds. But the paradox is that if there were no matter, then there would be no such beauty — they only exist due to the presence of matter. The fact that they are so incredible — it's simply their property, and if they were not like this, there would be no us or these questions. They are, as they say in the language of science — supervenient phenomena, not miracles.
Clarification of the importance of self-esteem, and training and nurturing its principles as the foundation for a fulfilling life, is what the modern world greatly needs.
Love for life as a source of broad responsibility, motivation for creation, and passion for a fulfilling life sustainably directs a person towards holistic self-development, the cognition of the new, and increased productivity.