All evil comes from a human being. And disasters stemming from nature are not evil but a consequence of its elemental transformation. But to overcome it, human beings must first defeat their own evil.
If we define the "complete well-being and flourishing of humanity" as the highest universal value of the human world, it must inherently encompass one of the most crucial spiritual ideas: "a reliable distant future."
How humans appeared on Earth and for what purpose has many theories and opinions, but one thing is clear: living in the vast expanses of the Universe is merely an opportunity to LIVE, to LIVE fully and eternally. Harnessing this opportunity is the calling of the human race.
Nature, through climate change, sends us a sign that if you do not behave correctly, I will take away your intelligence and give it to elephants. But it seems that humans think they should force elephants to give it up themselves, and if not, declare war on them.