The thought of possible human extinction and the disappearance of its great creations and astounding culture is profoundly saddening. Therefore, striving for achievements to ensure a reliable future for humanity constitutes an essential part of the happiness and life purpose of every individual.
A reliable distant future, attainable through progress, surpasses the present, for everything created by humankind will be much more advanced in it. This future is feasible if the present age consciously strives for a fulfilling life for the happiness of today and in the name of the Human of the future.
Indeed, Love as the primary measure of life's value reaffirms the profound significance of a reliable distant future, one that allows not just its preservation but also a substantial enhancement.
The origin of intelligence, is it a mandatory and 'inevitable' property of reality? No, it's causeless and spontaneous. Reality could have existed in a primitive form without the self-organizing property. So why does the Universe possess this property, thanks to which intelligence arose in the process of evolution? Just, without a cause. Without this property, no questioning being would have emerged.
Looking at life through the eyes of the Universe, gazing centuries ahead, we realize that the distant future is not so remote and alien. And we deeply understand the significance of its reliability for the meaningful life of every generation.